
The Worship Ministry aids and assists in the teaching of God's Word by preparing the hearts of Christ followers to be open and receptive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in the instruction and directives of God's Word, by leading the congregation into God's presence through true heart worship and adoration of God through music and the Arts. Our goal is that each person would experience the true presence of God.


We seek to minister to children who are three year olds or younger, by teaching them Gods truth by using age appropriate strategies that they can relate to; we also provide a safe place for parents to bring their children so that they can enjoy the morning service and hear from God.


The KidsHope Ministry focuses on children from 6 mos, to 12 yrs. old. To reach children and their families of every race , by ministering to the children's educational and spiritual needs, and equip them to be God focused, and radically devoted to Christ and His Cause throughout the entirety of their childhood and adulthood experience.

Women Of Worth

To develop spiritually mature and radically devoted women, who are willing to die for the cause of Christ as they carry out their responsibility, to be Godly women, to nurture their families, to support their husbands, and to actively reach out to the lost and be involved in doing the work of His ministry.

Hope Alive Jr High

The Purpose of "Hope Alive", is to reach 6-8th grade Jr. Highers and their families of every race and culture, by ministering to the children’s educational, emotional, social and spiritual needs. To equip them to be God focused, and genuinely devoted to Christ and His Cause throughout the entirety of their childhood and adult life experience. To give them the hope, that they can have a better future than what they presently experience in their world.

Unleashed Youth

The Purpose of "Unleashed", is to see 12 to 18 year old youth of all nationalities become spiritually mature and radically devoted Christ followers, to equip them to faithfully serve Christ in our world, and to assist parents in raising their children, and to support our youth as they pursue their education. We desire to see our youth become mature and responsible young people who have a positive impact in our community.

Iron Men

Our goal is to train up radically devoted men who love God, love their families and love the Body of Christ, and who are actively involved in the work of ministry, Our desire is to see men living in such a way that they set an example and positive role-model for all young men and those who are watching their lives. We desire to see the men raise up and take the spiritual and family leadership of their homes.

Life Hope Counseling

Life Hope is a Biblical counseling ministry. We believe that scripture is sufficient to meet every need of mankind. We do not use or apply secular theories or approaches in our counseling practice. We do biblically based Pre-marriage counseling in order to help prepare and equip future husbands & wives to be able to live a full and happy, Christ-centered relationship. We focus upon giving them the tools necessary to confront the problems and issues of life in such a way to bring honor to the name of Christ. We counsel every area of life. (crisis, anger, drugs, alcohol, marriage etc.)

Young Adults

Our Mission desire is to create a movement of young adults who are passionate about pursuing God, reaching our non-christian peers, building authentic relationships, and being actively involved in serving in the family of God (the Church), and being passionate about evangelism and genuine life-on-life discipleship and mentoring. We desire to see our young adults to be actively involved in serving the various areas of ministry within the Church by taking one youth under their wing.


                                                      Godly Male Leadership

We are committed to to the entire family ministry. Our desire is to see men lovingly rise up to be the Godly  leaders of their home, as God desires by being a loving example of discipline, character and integrity.