Our Values

"New Hope Church" as a group of Believers holds to and promotes the following Core Values that are the basis for all that we do.

Biblical Authority: We believe in the absolute authority of God’s Word and its ability to change and set a man free from the power of sin and the World. ( Jn. 8)

Diversity: We value the fact that God created every race of mankind in His image and likeness and all of us have value and worth in the family of God, and we are to love and accept people of all races and cultures and work towards racial reconciliation. (I Tim. 2:3, Gen.2), (Jn. 13:34-35) (Eph. 2:7-end)

Community: We believe that community is a key aspect of Christianity and that small groups are essential to the growth, maturity, and the development of Christian community and family. (Acts 2)

Discipleship: We believe that we are to train and empower leaders from within the community through mentoring and life-on life investment. (II Tim. 2:2)

Evangelism: We believe that God desires all men, of all nations to be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth. (I Tim. 2:3

 Sacrifice: We believe that everything we have belongs to God, and he expects us to give back to him a portion of our time, gifts, talent, finances, abilities, passions, and dreams.

Serving: We believe that God requires that all Believers live their lives in faithful service to God in some area of ministry. Eph .5)     


Our Ministry Structure

Small Groups:   (T.E.A.M.S.) Truth, Equipping, Accountability, Mission, and Supplication (See Distinctive 4)

Celebration Service:   Our services are very contemporary, culturally and racially sensitive and relevant. They are highly connective and interactive. (See Distinctive 3)

Outreach:    Intentional, culturally relevant, community centered Outreach (See Distinctive 5)

Relational Discipleship:    Jesus set the model on how to do discipleship and training of his followers. Discipleship is done on 2 Levels: Groups of 3 and Groups of 12.

Engaging Leadership Training:   Jesus leadership training was done in a group-community context. Life-on-life training, not classroom format. We will do our training in a similar format.















Our Distinctives

Christ-centered: We are a Christ honoring, Bible-centered church that does not change its theology with the shifting sands of culture, yet we incorporate culturally relevant methods of communicating the Gospel.

Community focused:  We are actively involved in meeting both the spiritual and physical needs of people through our community outreach ministries. We also provide food, clothes, and counseling for those in need. We expect each Believer to use their spiritual gifts, talents, and abilities to reach people in our community for Christ.

Contemporary-service: New Hope is culturally relevant, and racially sensitive to the needs of the community. Our music is upbeat and lively and relates to where people are. We use various modern approaches to present the living Christ to a spiritually lost world. We use the S.P.I.C.E. activities approach in every area.

Culturally-Diverse: New Hope is a multi-racial church that treats all people equal. Almost all of the Pastors, Elders, Deacons and leaders are people from the community. People are dealt with on the content of their character, and not the color of their skin or race. New Hope represents a taste of what Heaven will be like on Earth. People of all races and colors are accepted at New Hope.

Commission-driven: Everything we do is motivated by love for God, and a genuine love for people of all races. Our priorities and practices are controlled by the mandate of the Great Commission and Great Commandment. Make disciples of all nations. (Mt 22:37, Mt 28:19-20)

Compassionate service: We focus on reaching the poor and needy. We believe God desires that we as a  Church seek out the less fortunate and the least of these.